My friend is collecting pictures of us for her wedding and is sending them to us via text message with accompanying blurbs like "Awww, we were so cute" and "We were so young!" I'm in there looking like:
You know... the typical. No surprise here. I was always making stupid faces and looking sort of out of it. The one thing that did surprised me was realizing how the majority of our photos are of us in pajamas... Like 90% of them. It gave me two epiphanies: 1.) We were probably in pajamas our whole college career and 2.) I need to invest in some better looking pajamas. If you're culturally american, asian pajamas are basically just normal clothes that became so hideous that they are no longer acceptable to be seen by the general public. We recycle them by wearing them at home... sexy <3. This instance reminds me of how I used to wear this jacket from Costco all the time, and one day suddenly realized people probably would recognize it eventually and think I buy all my clothes at Costco. They were both frightening realization to say the least. I admit I have made my fair share of fashion faux pas.
I guess all that can be done now is to abduct my friends with their computers and then wipe their memory with the Men-in-Black LED-flashlight-looking-thing. haha. Goodness... I guess I'll just have to let them be uncovered at all our respective weddings and then take the evidence with me to the grave for the remainder of my life.