So, I have a gym membership and am exercising. I don't know how to use ANY of the gym equipment and I need some cardio, so I join these gym classes that incorporate cardio and resistance training. It is absolutely the most hilarious and mortifying thing to be new to a class. If anyone wanted blackmail of me. That was the time to get it.
So, one of the most difficult classes to join is zumba. It is like going to a dance practice, not getting the memo about what the moves are, and no one stopping to teach you. It is every man for himself out there. Everyone just politely tries to pretend they're not seeing you flailing around awkwardly and inappropriately. To add insult to injury, there is a huge mirror on every side, so not only can you witness yourself looking awkward, so can everyone who in the room. Also, your dance instructor is generally someone named Javier, Damien or Guillermo.
Step class is another really crazy one. It involves having this little step stool thing that you kick off of, and jump onto, and do spins off of. It's craziness. The instructor is dancing like she's in a pop video, doing spins and kicks and taps all over the place. And I kid you not, my instructor was wearing leg warmers and a head band. I'm just spinning wherever I want and kicking all over the place. I was determined to get my proper exercise. I was like, "if she's kicking, I'm kicking... no matter where I am." The good thing about this one is that generally everybody is confused, so you're not singled out. Everyone is just like spinning backwards, kicking left and right, and a few seconds behind. I had to leave early for this one because I just couldn't stop cracking up.
So, there you go. The struggle is real. If you really want to join a good gym class and not have to deal with a big learning curve, I really enjoyed Body Combat and Cycling. And... I'll pretty much stick to that now.